Preparing Businesses for Whatever Lies Ahead

Providing consulting services since 2017.

Whether you're seeking to enhance your risk management strategies, refine your leadership capabilities, or optimize team dynamics, Alicia Shields Consulting is your trusted partner. We are committed to providing tailored consulting solutions that align with your specific needs and aspirations.

Embark on a journey of transformative growth with Alicia Shields Consulting.

Contact Us

Phoenix, AZ
Los Angeles, CA

Areas of Expertise

Are you ready to gain a deeper understanding of the actors and risks that impact your organization's success? Actor mapping and risk matrix creation are powerful tools that can help you make informed decisions, mitigate potential threats, and maximize your opportunities.

Empowering Success Through Strategic Insights and Team Dynamics

In today's dynamic and competitive landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to gain an edge. At Alicia Shields Consulting, we provide comprehensive consulting services designed to elevate your company's performance and propel it towards sustainable growth.

Unveiling Hidden Truths with Background Research and OSInt Analysis

Our team of experienced investigators harness the power of open-source intelligence (OSInt) to conduct thorough background research, uncovering critical information that can inform strategic decisions and mitigate potential risks. We delve into the depths of the digital world, scouring social media, public records, and other online sources to paint a comprehensive picture of individuals, organizations, and industries.

Nurturing Exceptional Leaders and High-Performance Teams

Actor Mapping and Risk Matrix Development

We recognize that leadership development and team cohesion are cornerstones of organizational success. Our leadership training programs empower individuals to become visionary leaders, inspiring and motivating their teams to achieve extraordinary results. We also facilitate engaging teambuilding activities that foster collaboration, communication, and trust – the essential ingredients for a thriving workplace culture.

“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.”

– Sigmund Freud

Get in Touch

Contact us to find out how we can partner and discuss how we can tailor our services to your needs.